Hoodia Gordonii price comparison. Your route to the truth.

One the most common tips you will ever be offered about Hoodia Gordonii supplements is to check their costs. And there is a very good reason why you should bear this point in mind. You see, due to the rarity of this plant it is now considered to be an endangered species. So endangered that exportation of this plant from South Africa is strictly controlled.

And, it is for this reason why real Hoodia Gordonii is so expensive to buy. So what is the point behind of all this we hear you ask?

Well if you go onto Google and type in ‘Hoodia Gordonii’ you will find an assortment of companies who will dare to tell you otherwise. Offering you 100 tablets of Hoodia Gordonii for just £24.99. If not less.

Now before you say – what is so wrong with that? – let us first set up a comparison for you of all the different Hoodia Gordonii supplements that are available.

We think once you see them, you’ll know exactly what we are talking about:

UniqueHoodia (90 capsules): £36.82

Hoodia Gordonii 9600mg Capsules (90 capsules): £29.95

100% Pure Hoodia Gordonii (100 Tabs - under a buy 1 get 1 free offer): £24.99

Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills (90 Tablets): £19.95

EST Nutrition Hoodia Gordonii (60 capsules) £8.08

Hoodia- FX (60 capsules): £6.08

See the difference?

Between UniqueHoodia and Hoodia–FX there is £30 difference. Now whilst it can arguably be said that Hoodia-FX has 30 less capsules - even if you added another 30 capsules to its packaging; working on its current pricing it would only go up £3.04. Still no where near UniqueHoodia.

So what is the cause of these dramatic price differences? Simple. The Hoodia Gordonii supplements on the end of this scale are fake.

The manufacturers of these supplements have either: used the wrong type of Hoodia plant (there are 13 Hoodia plants in the family, but only Hoodia Gordonii contains the active appetite suppressing ingredient P57); they have used the entire Hoodia Gordonii plant (making 40% of the supplement ineffective due to the fact that only the core contains P57) or they are not using Hoodia Gordonii at all. And the reality is a lot of these ‘supposedly’ genuine Hoodia Gordonii supplements are doing this.

After all, what company would willingly sell 100% pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii capsules for just £6.08 for 60 capsules? That would mean they are only charging 6 pence per pill. Similarly, companies who consistently offer buy 1 get 1 free offers on their Hoodia Gordonii supplements are lying.

Take 100% Pure Hoodia Gordonii. Whilst it may appear that they are charging £24.99 for 100 tablets, this package size is consistently on a buy 1 get 1 free offer, making their supplements real value £12.50 per 100 tablets. Scary isn’t it?

Of course examining just the price of your Hoodia Gordonii supplements isn’t enough to ensure you are completely receiving 100% pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii. You need to examine its medical backing, CITES certificate and ingredients list too. But their prices do help to narrow this field down.

Offer your body easy, natural weight loss

Take Hoodia Gordonii supplement UniqueHoodia. Priced at £36.82 for 90 capsules, UniqueHoodia has got the medical backing of Alkemist Pharmaceuticals, has got a CITES certificate, Annex certificate and certificate of Analysis and has been clinically proven to:

• 10,000 times more effective than glucose at suppressing your appetite

• Cut your calorie content by 2,000 calories a day

Increase energy levels and self esteem

And with no known side effects, consumers can take this supplement confident that their bodies are in safe hands. Order your packet of UniqueHoodia today. CLICK HERE.

Weight Loss, Hoodia and Exportation (v2).

Have you ever taken the time to check out the CITES certificates on Hoodia Gordonii supplements? If you did you would find that the majority of them are between 6 months to a year old. Now before you start worrying and wondering whether this length will make them less effective – let us explain.

You see before Hoodia Gordonii can be exported from South Africa, exporters need to get a CITES certificate. Once got, they have got up to 6 months to export it out of the country. So as you can see the date of issue on the CITES certificate is already 6 months old.

Then there is the next stage of reaching the manufacturer. By the time it has reached them and has been made into the supplement you see before you, it could be a year later. See what we mean?

As long as the certificate is up to a year old, then your Hoodia Gordonii supplement is fine to take. But what if you could offer your body the freshest in Hoodia Gordonii? A supplement that was harvested only a month before – would you be interested in offering your body a fresher alternative?

Well. There are such companies. UniqueHoodia for example can offer their customers an exact date due to their direct relationship with their exporter.

Due to the vast amounts of Hoodia Gordonii they order, UniqueHoodia have been able to cut out the middle man, ensuring that their Hoodia supplement has not been tampered or altered, and reaches them faster. Now we know any company can claim to offer fresher Hoodia Gordonii, but UniqueHoodia can literally prove this statement through their certificates and testing.

Tested by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals and CNL, on their website you will also find:
Organics Annex Certificate – proves that there were no ‘middle men’ involved who could have interfered with the product while it was being exported to UniqueHoodia.

Certificate of Analysis – is issued to the Hoodia Gordonii supply before it enters the country, proving that it is 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii. This certificate shows that it was also tested under HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). And UniqueHoodia are not alone in this offering. Other Hoodia products – though not very many – can also match these claims.

So offer your body fresh, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii and experience the benefits of:
• 100% pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii
Calorie reductions of 2,000 calories a day
• 10,000 times more productive at reducing your appetite than glucose

So, order your packet of UniqueHoodia today.

Weight Loss, Hoodia and Exportation (v1).

When it comes to Hoodia Gordonii, most manufacturers will offer you a CITES certificates that date back as far as 6 months. Now whilst there is nothing wrong with it being 6 months old – after all Hoodia Gordonii is hard to export – seeing this number on your CITES certificate can decrease your confidence in its reliability. After spending so long in storage will it still have the same effect as raw, fresh Hoodia Gordonii?

The answer to this one is debatable, 6 months or a year the fact is your Hoodia Gordonii has been in storage for a while. But what if we were to tell you that there are Hoodia companies who can get it to you just a month after it was harvested. Companies who can then prove that what they are offering is real Hoodia Gordonii? Would you be interested in finding out more? Well it’s true.

Take Hoodia Company UniqueHoodia.

Due to the large amounts of Hoodia Gordonii they order, they have been able to cut out the middle man and purchase Hoodia Gordonii directly from a South African exporter. Making their raw Hoodia to capsule time short. Now we know that any Hoodia product can easily claim to do this, but the interesting thing is UniqueHoodia can back this statement up through their array of certificates.

Alongside having a CITES certificate that proves they have exported their Hoodia Gordonii from South Africa, UniqueHoodia have also got an Organics Annex Certificate that proves no middle men were involved who could have affected the Hoodia Gordonii and a Certificate of Analysis that confirms that their supplement has been tested under HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and is real Hoodia Gordonii. Then there is their laboratory testing by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals and CNL.

Both reputable laboratories, they have tested UniqueHoodia’s supplement and have found it to contain 100% Hoodia Gordonii. So whilst there may be many Hoodia companies out there that can prove they are selling 100% Hoodia Gordonii, by the time it reaches you it could be a year old and no longer fresh.

But at UniqueHoodia you could experience a different story. One where you can experience fresher Hoodia Gordonii, as well as a range of other natural health benefits:
• 100% pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii
• Calorie reductions of 2,000 calories a day
• 10,000 times more productive at reducing your appetite than glucose.

So, offer your body fresh, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii.

Weight Loss, Hoodia and Appetite Suppression.

Look on the web and you will find hundreds of appetite suppressants all claiming to do the same thing, but have you ever looked closely into how they work? On the one hand you have got natural appetite suppressants such as Proactol and UniqueHoodia that can help you to cut your meal portions without causing your body harm.

But then you have got others that work by chemically altering your brain signals, and affecting your health as a whole. Take for example Reductil and Phentermine. Proven to help consumers lose a steady weight loss of 1-2lbs a week, alongside these benefits consumers can also expect to experience a range of other effects.

And not all of the positive kind: Palpitations, breathlessness, racing heart, stomach cramps, diarrhoea – and these are only the tame ones. Some of their less common side effects include coronary heart disease AND liver/pancreatic disease, not exactly inspiring.

So, what can you do?

Well for a start we recommend that you do the research and check out the history of your supplement first, before investing. Take the natural appetite suppressants mentioned above. Alongside their ability to effectively suppress your appetite - Proactol has been proven to reduce your dietary fat intake by 28% and decrease your calories intake by 450 calories a day.

And UniqueHoodia has been found to:
• 10,000 times stronger than glucose at suppressing your appetite
• Reduce your food intake by 50%
• Cut your calorie intake by 2,000 calories

Plus to top it all they are 100% side effect free. What more can you ask for? Offer your body a natural solution to weight loss. Compare all these supplements together and UniqueHoodia can offer you real credible results. Even more so than well renowned herbal supplement Proactol.

And these figures offered by UniqueHoodia are not just a statement either. UniqueHoodia has been tried, tested and has been clinically proven to produce these results – something that not many Hoodia Gordonii supplements can offer.

Weight Loss Unique Hoodia Testimonial

Lillian Jaques
Weight Starting: 10st 11lb
Weight Ending: 10st 3lb

I am a 62 year old grandma, with slight Arthritis, so when I saw the advert for Unique Hoodia I though why no try them.

I ordered 1 months supply, my starting weight was 10 stone 11lbs and with in 4 weeks I am down to 10 stone 3lbs, with losing the weight it has helped my Arthritis.

This product for once does as it says, it stops hunger, where as other products I have tried haven't. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone.

Weight Loss Unique Hoodia Testimonial
Rachael Holden
Weight Starting: 11st 4lb
Weight Ending: 10st 12lb

I have been using Hoodia for 2 weeks now and have felt a massive difference in my eating habits.

I don't seem to crave snacks or chocolates in between meals which has made massive impact on my weight loss.

Although I have eaten sensibly and done regular exercise, without Hoodia I would not of been so successful in my weight loss.

Weight Loss Unique Hoodia Testimonial

Christina Dean:
Weight Starting: 16st 12lb
Weight Ending: 16st 61lb

"I'm taking Hoodia along with Proactol and have found my appetite has reduced massively.

I no longer snack between meals, have not eaten any crisps, sweets, biscuits or cakes.

I am going to continue with Hoodia as I have 5 stone to lose, although I was hoping a faster weight loss.

Diet? Getting More Fibre in Your Diet.

If you read our review of the appetite suppressant Appesat you will know that rather than taking Appesat we recommend UniqueHoodia. There are several reasons for this (see our appesat review for all the reasons) but one big reason is that essentially all Appesat does is give you a boost of fibre in your diet.

Fibre is a natural appetite suppressant which is why you will often see high-fibre cereals advertising that they can keep you full until lunch. It goes without saying that an increase in your fibre intake can be achieved with a few simple (and much cheaper than Appesat) changes in your diet.

Making a change to your diet can, at first, seem like a tough thing to do. However, a few small changes over time and you will soon have increased your fibre intake and start feeling the benefits of appetite suppression. Before we provide you with some suggestions on how to incorporate more fibre in to your diet let’s first look at what fibre is and what its health benefits are.

is made up of several complex carbohydrates and can either be soluble or insoluble. Unlike most other foods we consume, fibre contains no calories, vitamins or minerals and therefore passes through your body without being digested. This is also why people suffering from constipation are encouraged to eat more fibre (or roughage as it is also known). If you are thinking you can gain fibre from eating meat then you are sadly mistaken. Fibre only exists in the cell walls of plants, therefore things like fruit, vegetables, and grain are all commonly high in fibre.

In addition to the appetite suppression and therefore weight loss benefits, fibre also offers other health benefits. It is known to help reduce the risks of bowel problems such as haemorrhoids and cancer of the bowel and colon. It also helps to stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce blood cholesterol levels. As you can see, the benefits of a high-fibre diet stretch much further than just helping you to control your appetite and lose weight. Therefore even if you are happy with your current weight a little more fibre in your diet can only be a good thing. With this in mind here are some simple meal ideas to help you begin to increase your daily fibre intake:

Wholemeal toast
Wheat or grain based cereal
Bran muffins
Porridge oats
Pure fruit smoothie


Sandwiches made with wholemeal bread
Any vegetable soup with wholemeal bread
Beans on wholemeal toast
Wholegrain pasta salad
Nuts and seeds
Fruit Salad

Wholegrain pasta or rice with a sauce of your choice
Vegetable stir fry
Bean or vegetable Enchiladas (use wholemeal tortillas)
Vegetable chilli with kidney beans

By now you can probably see how easy it is to get more fibre in your diet and why we advise against spending money on Appesat. If you want to suppress your appetite then there is no better option than taking UniqueHoodia. Of course you can combine UniqueHoodia with a change to a high-fibre diet if you wish but it is not essential to help you lose weight.

Hoodia Gordonii how to find the genuine one?

Well. Search the web using just the term ‘hoodia’ and you’ll soon be bombarded by an assortment of companies all claiming to offer you the ‘genuine’ article. Now to the average surfer this is just the news they have been looking for: easy access to a range of Hoodia products readily available to buy. But here is the thing: 80% of the Hoodia products you are browsing through are fake.

Yes that’s right, all 8 out of 10 of them. And these unfortunately are just the ones that were willingly sent to Alkemist pharmaceuticals for testing. In truth there are probably hundreds more out there that too are not the real deal. So why are so many of them considered to be fake? Doesn’t the ingredient list say it contains real Hoodia? In most cases this is true, but there is more to this story than just reading the ingredients list.

Let us explain.

Point one: Which Hoodia plant has been used? If you spot a Hoodia product that doesn’t identify what type of Hoodia plant it is, then more than likely you are looking at a supplement that contains the wrong type of Hoodia. You see there are 13 types of Hoodia plant , but of them all only the Hoodia Gordonii plant contains the active ingredient P57 that can effectively suppress your appetite.

Point two: What part of the Hoodia Gordonii plant has been used? Now to those who don’t know much about how Hoodia Gordonii works, then here is a quick lesson. Of the Hoodia Gordonii plant itself, only its aerial stem (the core) of the plant contains the active molecule P57. The rest of the plant – its leaves, flowers and roots, essentially offer nothing in terms of weight loss. So, even if a company is claiming to be using 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii, this might not be strictly true if they are using the whole of the plant to make the supplement. If they are, you are probably only getting 60% of the plants active ingredient.

Point three: Are there any other ingredients? This is where it gets complicated. Why? Because companies can claim to be using 100% Hoodia Gordonii on their label, whilst still not giving you a pure supplement. As an endangered species with limited exportations and harvests, many companies have chosen to incorporate other ingredients such as caffeine to save on costs and supplies.

The problem here is that they are reducing your chances of achieving real weight loss, by reducing the effectiveness of the supplement. But by law they are not actually doing anything wrong by claiming to contain pure Hoodia Gordonii. So what does this mean? Well you need to make sure you check its ingredient list thoroughly before investing. The only ingredients you should be seeing on your packaging is the core of the Hoodia Gordonii plant, and the ingredients used to make up its capsules: gelatib. Spot anything else on the ingredients list and you are not getting 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii.

Point four: Is it an extract? No company who is honestly selling genuine Hoodia Gordonii is selling it as an extract. Why? Because all ‘extract’ exactly means is that you are receiving only 60% of the plants core. The rest is a combination of fillers, caffeine or other inactive parts of the Hoodia Gordonii plant that will do nothing to suppress your appetite.

See what we mean? There is a reason why so many Hoodia supplements fail these tests – they have scrimped on much as they can in order to cut down on their costs. But the problem is, many of them are able to get away with it because they do contain small quantities of the plant. With this at their side, they are able to keep on lying to you whilst still charging you big.

So what do you do? Well the answer to this one is to keep these four points in mind, and make sure that your thoroughly check your chosen products ingredients list before you invest. Do that and you can ensure you are always receiving the genuine article, each and every time. One such product is UniqueHoodia. Clinically tested and backed by Alkemist pharmaceuticals, in one neat compact package, consumers can benefit from:

• Using 100% pure unaltered Hoodia Gordonii
• A 2,000 calorie reduction every day
• 10,000 times the productivity of glucose at suppressing your appetite
• Increased energy and self esteem.

With results like these it is no wonder that it is so popular. And, it works.

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