Hoodia Gordonii Price Comparison.

One of the surest ways to tell you are not receiving pure, authentic Hoodia Gordonii is its price. Find 90 pill packages for less than £10, and there is a reason why they are so cheap. They are not real.

You see, Hoodia Gordonii is rare. After years of overharvesting and high demand, the harvesting and export of this natural supplement has had to be regulated in order to prevent it from becoming extinct.

Now before you make the point that Hoodia Gordonii can be found elsewhere beyond Southern Africa, there is something you need to bear in mind. Yes, this plant can now be found in Texas and China, but it did not originate from there. It only naturally grows in South Africa.

Plus there is the noted fact the effectiveness of this plant can be greatly affected depending on the soil it is grown in. So whilst you may be able to find 100% authentic hoodia products grown in Texas and China, their ability to help you suppress your appetite can be greatly affected just by growing it in different soil.

And it is for this reason, and this reason alone, that genuine Hoodia Gordonii capsules are expensive. Its rare yet unique ability to create such incredible weight loss results has caused an exponential increase in demand. Don’t believe us?

Think we are just saying this to influence where you invest? We can prove it. Take a look at the following Hoodia Gordonii price comparison and you’ll soon notice a difference in pricing:

Hoodia Gordonii 400mg - £6.55

Hoodia Gordonii slimming tablets - £8.95

Hoodia Gordonii
1000 Plus - £9.80

Extra strength Hoodia Gordonii 800mg - £12.80

100% Pure Hoodia Gordonii (buy one get one free) - £24.99

Weight Loss
– Hoodia Gordonii 9600mg - £29.95

UniqueHoodia - £37.37

As you can see, the price difference for just one months supply is over £30. And this is not a case of overpricing. The reason they are so different is because of the quality of the supplement. For example, do you really think anyone would realistically sell a supplement that it is so rare that it has to be regulated for harvesting, for only £6.55? No.

The only reason they are happy to sell it so low is because their ingredients are not completely authentic. So whilst hoodia products such as UniqueHoodia may cost more, the quality and effectiveness of this supplement alone will offer you weight loss results that will put the others to shame.

Take UniqueHoodia for example. In one compact package, consumers can experience the benefits of:

• Using 100% pure unaltered Hoodia Gordonii
• A 2,000 calorie reduction every day
• 10,000 times the productivity of glucose at suppressing your appetite
• Increased energy and self esteem.

Order your packet of UniqueHoodia today. CLICK HERE.

Weight loss cooking tips.

Losing weight doesn't have to be dull and boring. Nor does it have to spell the end to your favourite meals. In most cases it is all about making substitutions with your ingredients, which is achievable whilst still creating delicious dishes. Now most of the following tips are pretty straight forward, and will not make much of a difference to your food preparations, but some will prove more time consuming than others.

Don't worry. We have thought of everything to make this entire process easier, and once you have given it a try you'll soon be losing weight the fun way – eating appetising mouth-watering meals, at a fraction of the calories. So let’s get started.

We are confident that within these tips you'll find one to suit you and your weight loss management plan in no time.

1. Beef – by rinsing it down in hot water (once you have drained and browned it), you can reduce its fat content by 50% without affecting its flavour.

2. Substitute chicken broth for butter in all your pasta, rice and stuffing dishes.

3. Forget using oil and replace it with chicken/ beef broth or wine. Here you'll gain extra flavour without the added fat.

4. Use fruit juice, salad dressing or wine in your marinades instead of oil. This extra acidic taste will increase the taste whilst reducing the fat.

5. In pasta dishes use soft cheeses such as cottage cheese instead of full cheese.

6. Swap mozzarella cheese for cheddar cheese. This will cut its fat and calorie content by half.

7. Bake instead of deep frying. To do this simply add a beaten egg to your food and put them in a plastic bag. To coat them, roll the pieces in bread crumbs and add them to a baking tray. By doing so you will still be able to experience crispy coated meat and food, whilst reducing the fat that can be added by deep frying.

8. Use skimmed milk instead of whole. This will save you on a whole 8g of fat in one glass.

9. In your cakes, muffins and brownies, use yoghurt instead of oil. This will add nutritional value, whilst cutting down on the fat.

10. Use 2 egg whites instead of 1 whole egg.

And then just keep a record of all your ingredient changes.

Above are just 10 of the most common ones weight loss systems will tell you to use, but there are many more techniques that you can incorporate into your meals.

Whether they are ingredient substitutions or a complete recipe rewrite, it is possible to enjoy your favourite foods without having to worry about their fat or calorie content. So give them a try and see which tips work best for you.

You might be surprised by how much more you enjoy your healthier version.

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